The Necklace Stand, diy

Part of my wardrobe inventory is  knowing what I have, but what is the point of having it and keeping it if I can't find it or see it?? I decided after the gold post, I needed to separate out my jewelry and find proper and pretty storage for it all. I keep my bracelets, bangles and rings on a hand stand, and my earrings in a crystal dish, but my necklaces have been neglected since I got rid of the cork board I once kept them on. I concocted a practically free project, and executed it super quickly earlier this week!

you will need:
                      a pretty branch                          a vase, bottle, or decorative container

stones, or another filling; beads, sand, or even a resin mixture!
paint, I used black for a minimalistic black and white look, but a bright vibrant color would be wonderful with the natural elements of rock and wood

now paint your branch, add your stones, and the branch and hang you jewelry! ta da!!

09 July 2011 by Gina Sophia
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